Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Rick Santorum pulls it out of his... heart

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Rick Santorum Speaks from His Heart - California Colleges
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogVideo Archive

We've seen this before, with his claim that the Dutch kill anyone who gets old and sick. Santorum is like your right-wing relative who keeps sending you those crazy emails - you know, the ones which even two minutes online would demonstrate are filled with complete lies.

And this isn't just some random loon, but a serious candidate for president of the United States!

This is what it means to be faith-based. This is what it means to simply believe whatever you want to believe. If it fits with Santorum's far-right Catholic view of reality, it must be true, huh? Who needs to bother with such petty details as... evidence?


Jim Harris said...

Poor old Rick. He's a perfect example of what happens when you devalue education. I wish someone had made him cite his source.

m1nks said...

Pff - I really hate not being able to see these videos. Especially ones of this guy, he's like watching a train wreck - horrifying but I just can't look away.