Sunday, August 22, 2010

"Carbon dioxide is plant food"

Water is "plant food," too. At least, it's essential to plant (and animal) life. So therefore it's impossible to have too much water?

Think of that. No one would be dumb enough to think that too much water can't possibly be a problem - ever - just because water is essential for life. So why are people this dumb when it comes to global warming?

I've said it before and I'll say it again: the only rational position on a complicated scientific issue like this is to accept - tentatively, as all science is accepted - the overwhelming consensus of the scientists who specialize in that field. They are the ones with the education and experience to clearly evaluate competing claims. Choosing to believe anyone else, including individual scientists who dissent, is just picking what you want to be true.

The consensus might be wrong, of course. There are no guarantees. The Earth could be flat. The universe could be only 6,000 years old. The Moon could be made of green cheese. But that's not the way to bet. In fact, it would be a very, very stupid bet, since your odds would be terrible and the likely result disastrous. And you're not just betting with your own life, but with everyone else's.

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