Sunday, July 15, 2018

Shall we arm three-year-olds?

Note that the interview subjects here didn't realize that this was a satire. They didn't recognize comedian Sacha Baron Cohen.

These gun nuts - these Republican politicians! - were actually serious about arming three- and four-year-olds. "Highly-trained preschoolers"? Really?

This is just an excerpt from the show. According to TPM, "Other politicians not shown in the Showtime clip, including former vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, former Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore and former Maricopa County Sheriff (and presidential pardon recipient) Joe Arpaio, all report having been duped by Baron-Cohen."


Anonymous said...

Please run to Jesus before it's too late Bill, it's all actually real.

Don't go to the grave hating God.

Bill Garthright said...


I don't hate God. That's just silly. I simply see no reason to think that "God" isn't just as imaginary as all of the gods you weren't taught to believe as a child.

But I haven't blogged in years (and I wasn't active for years before that). So send me an email, instead. Check out the "Contact" page at the right side of the screen here.


Kylie said...

Thanks grreat post