Wednesday, March 3, 2010

John Boehner's Constituents Deserve Better

Here's a great editorial in The Onion, the satirical news site, supposedly written by John Boehner, Minority Leader in the House of Representatives. It's pretty funny.

More, you can tell that the creator of this feels about the same way I do about what's going on. I'm furious with Republican "leaders" like Boehner, and almost as angry at the spineless Democrats who let them get away with it.

Here's an excerpt:

I assure you, the last thing my voters need is some well intended, do-all-I-possibly-can-to-help-the-little-guy congressman running around Washington, working across the aisle, and fighting tooth and nail for jobs, health care, and financial reform to ensure their tax dollars never end up in the hands of banks capable of holding our entire economy hostage.

No, sir. My constituents deserve better.

They deserve a leader willing to roll up his sleeves and play the types of twisted, greedy political games that, by their very nature, tear apart the fabric of our democracy for the sake of assuring reelection. They deserve someone on their side who will ask the tough questions, such as how will painting Democrats as radical ideologues play in, say, Arkansas? Can we vote "no" on the health care bill and still make it look like we give two craps about the welfare of ordinary Americans? How can we twist positive news about the GDP into a negative for the Obama administration?

But read it all. The ending is pretty good, too. And never forget that we let these people do this to us. By our ignorance, by our gullibility, by our cowardice, we get the kind of political system we deserve.

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