A few weeks ago, I posted a parody political ad from The Onion. At the time, I mentioned that it wasn't all that much different from the real ad. But now, here's a real ad that's so crazy, I don't know how you could possibly make a parody of it. (Yes, they're both from Alabama.)
Can you believe that? Filling out a tax return is "spying on ourselves"? And, er, "without representation"? This guy is running for Congress. What does he think that's all about if it's not representative democracy? I must admit, I didn't realize there were still lunatics railing about the progressive income tax. But I guess the Tea Party has revived all the crazies, hasn't it?
So now he's going to revolt? He can't stand by to see "these evils" - a progressive income tax specifically permitted by the 16th Amendment to the Constitution, ratified long before he was born - perpetrated? I repeat, the income tax is in the Constitution. So, gather your armies? WTF?
How loony can you get! These people who apparently think that it's the height of patriotism to secede from the Union or rise up in violent revolt against their elected government really kill me. But apparently, nothing is too extreme for the GOP these days.
How could you make a parody of this video? It's already a self-parody.
I’ve Been Craving the Kind of Great Science Fiction I Discovered When I Was
Twelve and Thirteen
by James Wallace Harris, 3/17/25 When I get sick, or I’m bummed out over
politics or economics, I get the urge to read a type of science fiction I
2 days ago
The Tea Party has simply tapped into uneducated people's fears. It seems if you shout loud enough and make it seem like the government is trying to take something away from you at least some morons will listen to you. There is hope though. Nothing I've seen suggest the Tea Party types are actually getting elected. I don't think they will ever be a valid party. Though a true break in the GOP would be fantastic for the country.
I hope you're right, John. I see the GOP getting more and more extreme - and yet it doesn't seem to be hurting them much. And after eight years of George W. Bush, I'm never again going to claim that someone can't get elected in this country. The worst really CAN happen.
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