Sunday, July 4, 2010

Homeopathy and Star Trek

Gobbledygook is fine in fantasy and science fiction - at least on television or in the movies, where plausibility isn't a serious consideration anyway. But don't allow yourself to be fooled in real-life, just because some explanation seems sciency or includes real words like "proton" or "quantum."

A scam artist must seem sincere and even likable, or he's not going to be successful. It's a requirement for that kind of con. And whether these people are just trying to fool you or are also fooling themselves, you don't want to be that kind of fool. They're peddling fantasy, nothing more.

If you want a simple explanation of homeopathy, without all that nonsense gobbledygook, you might try this comic book. Can't get much simpler than that, right? And when it comes to information, simple - understandable - is good.

1 comment:

Tony Williams said...

The point worth noting about water having a "memory" is that it is constantly being recycled through the atmosphere, the drainage system - and our bodies. I'd rather it didn't "remember" who it passed through, thanks!