Note that I've posted a page of links to all the book reviews here - not too many, so far - in the Page section on the right, just under that big scarlet "A" and just above the list of Labels. I'll update it as I write new reviews.
And yes, I'll be continuing with the series posts, too, eventually. There's just not enough time for everything, not all at once.
Finally, note the contact page. If you find a typo, I'd appreciate an email. Please send me interesting links, too. (If you just want to correct my thinking, please post a reply to the article in question.) But note my aggressive spam-filtering service. Make sure the title of your email catches my eye and clearly shows that it's from a human being, not a spambot.
I’ve Been Craving the Kind of Great Science Fiction I Discovered When I Was
Twelve and Thirteen
by James Wallace Harris, 3/17/25 When I get sick, or I’m bummed out over
politics or economics, I get the urge to read a type of science fiction I
2 days ago
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