Thursday, December 3, 2015

Are you depressed yet?

Are you depressed yet? Here's the Henry County Report about Alabama police officers planting guns and drugs on young black men for twenty years. They were racists, part of a Neoconfederate extremist group working against blacks and Jews.

This wasn't from the distant past, either. This started in the 1990s, apparently (with this particular group, at least). The district attorney knew about it when he prosecuted these innocent men, and as the report says, "They were supervised at the time by Lt. Steve Parrish, current Dothan Police Chief, and Sgt. Andy Hughes, current Asst. Director of Homeland Security for the State of Alabama."

Twenty years of framing young black men! Are you depressed yet? Yeah, it's a good thing racism is over, isn't it? LOL


Unknown said...

I live in the south and this is so embarrassing but too familiar. I also think it's growing into other areas of the country

Bill Garthright said...

I don't know if it's growing, Mary. Things were much worse in the past. That's depressing enough in itself, knowing how much of this used to be routine procedure in America.

The fact that it's still going on is... incredibly disgusting. And quite dispiriting. Yet, the fact that it's getting publicity is actually a sign of progress.

It was white cops who reported this, even though it was covered up. And it can't happen with impunity these days. Small southern towns aren't isolated from the rest of the nation.

Progress is just so incredibly slow. Right-wing politicians and media pundits tell us that racism is over, and there's even a backlash from white people who don't want to hear about racism anymore.

That would be fine if racism actually was gone. Sadly, that's far from the case.