Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Doomsday Bunkers

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Doomsday Bunkers
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorFox News

Shades of the 1950's, huh? (Except for the zombies, I guess.) OK, you're too young for this, I'm sure. But when I was in grade school, there were always big piles of Civil Defense pamphlets at every school function, urging Americans to build bomb shelters. Well, we didn't have Fox "News" back then. Nice to see this stuff privatized, isn't it? (Next up, Social Security.)

These days, so many people seem to be eagerly awaiting the collapse of civilization. It's funny, isn't it? (Well, it's funny provided they have no political power. If the Republicans take power again, it will just be scary.) I suppose it's great fun stocking up on guns and non-hybrid seeds, just waiting for the hordes of starving children to stagger into your killing fields.

Of course, if you're one of the elite in these fancy doomsday bunkers, you can wait out the carnage and emerge, well-fed, into a cleansed world, ready to take your rightful place as the new aristocracy. (Surely a year will be long enough for the radiation to die down and the mutant plagues to run their course, won't it?) I wonder how they plan to split up the world? Draw straws? Hey, with any luck, they'll have two worlds to divide between them.

This is just the modern version of gathering on a hilltop, waiting for the world to end with the Second Coming of Jesus. Unfortunately, we still have that type, too. What's with this eager anticipation for the end of the world? Heck, according to a recent poll by the Pew Research Center, 40% of Americans think that Jesus will return sometime in the next 40 years. No wonder they're not worried about global warming or the energy crisis! Sorry, people, but Jesus died a long time ago, and he ain't coming back. We human beings must fix our own problems.

And hiding away in a bunker or a survivalist camp is not going to help, nor is praying for the end of the world. Hello, are there any sane people left in America?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If civilization collapses what makes these people think that they'll be able to get in their bunker just because they paid for it? That bunker is going to be taken over by the "friendly guards" and their family and friends. Or whoever else happens to be around.