Friday, December 3, 2010

Joseph Smith

You think this is an exaggeration? Heh, heh. Check this out (it explains what's up with that hat, too).

The Mormon religion seems to be pretty much just an earlier version of Scientology. Time and a growing membership have given it some respect, but if it's based on a fraud, how much respect does it really deserve?

Admittedly, these later religions are at a disadvantage, since their fraudulent nature can be so easily seen. Ancient myths are more easily accepted, since any such evidence is lost in the mists of time. And their vast age gives them a respectability they almost certainly don't deserve. Could so many people be so wrong for so long? Well, of course! (Obviously, Christians have absolutely no problem understanding that when it comes to Hinduism, or any other ancient religion, just not their own.)

Don't get me wrong. Mormons, like everyone else, are free to believe whatever they want. And like most of us, they want to believe what they've been taught was true since they were infants. Plus, they have a very strong social network. Ex-Mormons tend to lose everything - family, friends, everyone. That's a powerful incentive not to look at your beliefs too skeptically.

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