Sunday, September 5, 2010

Dr Kendall's Homeopathic Contraception

Check out Dr. Kendall's Homeopathic Contraception, made from 100% pure organic Brazilian rainforest babies:
For the uninitiated, homeopathy works on the principal of like curing like or of like preventing like, as eminent homeologist Crispian Jago explains. A remedy containing babies therefore prevents pregnancy.

Conventional contraceptive pills are full of harmful, unnatural chemicals with side-effects and have a failure rate of up to 8%, which means that for every 100 times you have sex, you will get pregnant eight times. The numbers do not lie. Do you want to take that risk? Dr Kendall's Homeopathic Contraceptive pills are for every woman who cares about her body.

After harvesting, the babies are washed inside and out in spring water to guarantee the purity of the remedy. They are then processed at Kendall Laboratories in our Kendall's Baby Masher (patent pending). The concentrated extracted essence is prepared for you in pills of the finest Saccharum officinarum for your health and well-being.

Note that these contain only the essence of babies. This contraceptive has been diluted enough times that there are no real baby molecules left, only the memory of babies. This, of course, saves on the number of babies needed for processing. Waste not, want not.

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