Tuesday, September 7, 2010

We haven't learned anything

"Like another Bristol-Levi reunion!" Heh, heh. No kidding!

Tom Toles' commentary:
I guess this is the mood of the electorate this year, as far as I can tell.

-We are fine with the trend of an ever-greater share of the American economy going to the very richest people. We like a tax policy that encourages this trend. We don't feel that power follows wealth and so do not fear any negative consequences from this.

-We oppose any actually workable plans to rationalize the health care system in this country and feel that the long trends of ever-increasing costs for ever-shrinking coverage will fix themselves.

-We prefer more religion in government and schools and less science, and we feel this will lead to good outcomes.

-An opinion that climate science is wrong will make it be wrong.

-Deficits didn't matter before, but now they are all we can think about.

-We blame President Obama for the bad economy, but anything he does about it can only make things worse and make us blame him even more.

-We like Republicans even less than Democrats but plan to elect them in a landslide, and that this will improve things.

Did I miss anything?

Did he miss anything? Yes:

-We think that brown and black people are out to get us real Americans, so you can tell by looking at him that Barack Obama has some evil scheme in mind.

-We're confident that Jesus will return soon and put everything right, so why should we human beings bother about anything past next week?

-We dislike those egghead scientists who think they're so smart, just because they're educated and, you know, knowledgeable about stuff.

-If we really want something to be true, it must be true. I mean, haven't you ever seen Oprah.

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