Tuesday, April 28, 2015

2015 White House Correspondents' Dinner

Baltimore may be burning, but this is funny! Barack Obama knocks it out of the park every year at the White House Correspondents' Dinner. I always sympathize with the comedian who follows him.

This year, it was Cecily Strong:

She's good, but she didn't hit with every joke, like the president did. As I say, he's a hard act to follow.

Then again, that might be my fault. I pay attention to politics, but not to television, so I know I missed some of her jokes.


Chimeradave said...

This is really good. I was amazed he kept a straight face during the anger translator.

You're not the only one that thought Strong was weaker. One article I read said that "she bombed."

Jim Harris said...

I love when Presidents have a sense of humor. I had to explain the Dick Cheney joke to my wife.

Chimeradave said...

Not sure i got that one either.

Bill Garthright said...

I don't know who writes his stuff, but it's great. Plus, his delivery couldn't be better, with perfect comedic timing. The anger translator part, with Obama himself getting angry - exactly as he should be getting angry - was perfect.

As I said above, Strong had a hard act to follow. She was no Stephen Colbert, or even Seth Meyers. But then, who is?

Bill Garthright said...

Heh, heh. Yeah, I agree with Obama. Dick Cheney has been the worst president in my lifetime, too. :)

Jim Harris said...

Most people considered Cheney the brains behind Bush.

Chimeradave said...

It's funnier to me that Cheney seemed to think he was President.

Jim Harris said...

That's another funny interpretation. I'm sure he felt like he was President when he operated Bush's puppet strings.