Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Jobs outlook

Ed Stein's commentary:
I’m as perplexed as anyone by the lack of focus among Democrats running for office this election. It starts at the top, with a White House that has been unable to produce a coherent election message. It ought to be easy, especially for as gifted an orator as Obama, but he’s been bizarrely unable to connect with voters this time around. The message should be simple: we have enormous challenges as a nation, but when the going gets tough we Americans have always risen to the occasion, and here’s what we need to do. And then lay out an ambitious agenda and keep hammering it home and criticizing those who stand in the way as the obstructionists they are. But we haven’t heard anything of the sort. Somehow, this administration has never managed to figure out that it’s jobs, stupid; instead it has flitted from one subject to the next, hoping something works, and praying that the economy will respond before it’s too late. It’s too late. Republicans have done absolutely nothing to earn our trust, but given the inability of the Democrats to use their power effectively, the other party is the only alternative, and it looks as though they will gain significantly across the board.

I can't understand how we Americans could possibly consider putting the Republicans back in power - the same Republicans who brought us this mess, have dragged their feet in cleaning it up, and, worst of all, are pushing the same ideas that got us into this disastrous position in the first place. How can we be this dumb?

But I'm not happy with how Barack Obama has let this happen, either. What happened to his oratory? What happened to his leadership? We need a leader, dammit! Congress can't lead. It's a legislative body. We need the executive to lead. The President of the United States has the world's biggest bully pulpit, so why not use it?

Obama has been too busy trying to get along with his political opponents. Well, guess what? That's not working and it's not going to work. As usual, Democrats in general seem to be too timid. Arguing your own position, passionately and forcefully, isn't tyranny (although Fox "News" will always argue that it is, when Democrats do it). And incremental measures aren't going to work here.

For once, Democrats - and particularly Barack Obama - need to be bold. So what if it won't get past the continual Republican filibuster in the Senate? Nothing else will, either. We need Obama to propose bold policies - and then hammer away at them over and over and over again. Use the bully pulpit. Lead this country.

The biggest problem with the upcoming election is that progressives are discouraged and apathetic. We thought we were getting real change, and we got timid little half-measures, instead. OK, so you can't get bold policies through Congress. But you can propose them, and fight like a tiger every step of the way, instead of "compromising" and giving away everything unilaterally, without getting anything at all in return. We got politicians timidly sticking one toe in the water, to judge the political temperature first, instead of plunging in with a roar. Show them,... show us something worth fighting for and we'll vote. (I plan to vote anyway, of course, no matter what, since apathy is not an option.)

It's not just on the economy, either. Yes, jobs are number one. But Democrats need to fire up their base. So let's see real movement on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." Not just behind the scenes, either. Let's see the President hammer at this, over and over again. Heck, let's see him boldly stand up for gay marriage. And, absolutely, let's see him boldly stand up for America's traditional separation of church and state. No half-measures! Also, one thing Joe Biden can do immediately is to challenge Senate rules in court, since the current filibuster takes away his constitutionally-mandated duty to break ties. Above all else, let's see some boldness!

I'm not the only one who can see this, so why can't the Democratic Party? We had a chance to turn this country around, but that chance has almost slipped through our feeble grasp. Heck, it might be too late already. But bold people won't let that worry stop them. And timidly cowering under our beds certainly won't help!


Jim Harris said...

I'm surprised by how quickly the tide is turning against Obama by the liberals. The situation is so weird.

First, the economy sucks, so most people feel vote out the encumbants.

Second, liberals then panic and feel the other party is going to take back control so they throw up their hands and yell lets abandon our leader.

Democrats should make a list of 25 things everyone can do to help the economy. Not just bullshit party ideas, but well researched ideas that will help. And then they should back those ideas with everything they've got. They need to say here's what we need to do, and if you aren't doing it, then you're against the country. No stonewalling for politics.

I don't get anything from Obama right now other than he's struggling to stay alive politically.

Unknown said...

Great post Bill. I think when history looks back at Obama they'll say that he seemed afraid to ever take up a position until he was sure it could get pushed through Congress.

It's like he doesn't realize he's the President now, not still a Senator.

The President doesn't have to get his/her ideas pushed through, the important part is that the ideas get out there.

If Obama did as you mentioned and took a stand for Gay Marriage or for the separation of Church and State, it would probably be more significant then anything else he's done!

Bill Garthright said...

Jim, progressives are just discouraged, I think, and discouraged people don't vote. Considering all the excitement in 2008, I think the results have been rather depressing.

I'm discouraged myself. Less than two years ago, the right-wing was thoroughly discredited, and now they're pumped up and expecting to take over again? After doing nothing but dragging their feet in the meantime? What is wrong with us Americans? This is just beyond stupidity!

John, Obama kept talking, all through the campaign, about bringing our country together again. I think he really meant that. So he's bent over backward to compromise with Republicans,... but look where it's gotten him.

I can understand that desire, but it just hasn't worked. And now he's looking at political disaster. But his impulse is still to compromise, instead of standing up and boldly leading this country. (Even if they fail, Democrats need to be bold. But I guess a bold Democrat is like a brave rabbit, huh?)

It hasn't been all Obama, since Congressional Democrats have been their usual spineless selves. But I expect that. What I didn't expect is for the American people to be this ignorant, this bigoted, and this cowardly. I thought we'd learned our lesson after George W. Bush. What would it take, if that didn't do it?

And I didn't expect progressives to be this lazy, this apathetic. I don't care how discouraged you are, you've got to VOTE, or you're just abandoning our country to the lunatics who got us into this mess in the first place. OK, you haven't gotten everything you wanted. Boo, hoo. But there's bad and there's worse.

And polls show a Republican landslide, not because they've persuaded the whole country, but because Republicans plan to VOTE while Democrats will just be sitting around on their butts complaining.