Monday, November 8, 2010

We're holding out for the 18th Century

Tom Toles' commentary (from Friday's cartoon, not this one):
There are now limitless lines of attack on Obama available to the talking heads, but one stands out among them. This is a really clever one. Republicans have wasted no time in proclaiming that they will spend the next two years obstructing any efforts of the Obama administration, other than, of course, repealing all his prior legislation. Paralysis vowed. Gridlock assured. Partisanship promised. Rancor guaranteed. Animosity boasted. And whose fault is this? OBAMA'S of course! Why? Because he didn't change the acrimonious tone in DC like he hoped to!

So there you have it! If you run PROMISING uncooperativeness, and deliver, that counts as a PLUS! If it's a BAD thing you have delivered, it's the OTHER guy's fault for not stopping you! See how this game works? Analogies pour into the mind! You're a plumber and your partner cold-cocks you with his pipe wrench. Whose fault is that? YOURS! Because YOU were the one who promised to try to get along with him and fix the leaks! The other plumber told everybody ahead of time that 1) there WERE no leaks and 2) that the leaks were your fault) and for good measure 3) your birth certificate was a forgery.

Be sure, however, when using this line of attack, to shake your head slowly in sadness at this turn of events, because you SINCERELY had higher expectations of Obama because you were moved by his lofty rhetoric. Then take out your own pipe wrench and clobber him AGAIN.

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