Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Guess what Republicans aren't cutting?

From TPM:
House Republicans and Senate Democrats have posted details of the bipartisan spending agreement that staved off a shutdown, providing a first look at where the $39.9 billion of cuts come from on a program by program basis.

Republican priorities can be seen throughout the agreement, with reduced funding for enforcing environmental regulation, scientific research, health care, and education all leaping out. ...

Defense was not cut from current levels, instead increasing by $5 billion.

Think about that. Republican priorities are to cut environmental regulation, scientific research, health care, and education - pretty much everything America desperately needs more of, if we're to compete effectively, and thrive, in the 21st Century. (And, of course, these spending cuts are needed in order to give more tax cuts to the rich.)

But though we're spending seven times as much on military expenses as our next biggest rival, and this at a time when our only enemy is a rag-tag band of religious nuts, Republicans can't find one thin penny to cut there. Indeed, they've increased spending on defense.

Either the GOP is completely insane or I am. And I really don't think it's me.

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